Our school delivers quality educational programs for all students.
Our students, from Kindergarten through to Year 12, with moderate and severe intellectual and physical disabilities learn in engaging and supportive learning environments assisted by innovative technology and teaching practices.
We offer unique learning opportunities through programs such as hydrotherapy, work experience, community access and integration. Individualised programs promote academic skills and communication, social, mobility, living, leisure and vocational skills to enable students to lead fullfilling lives. Students are supported to become valued members of the community through programs that foster positive values, attitudes and behaviours such as the Positive Behaviour for Learning and social skills programs.
Our school is committed to strengthening partnerships with families and the wider community; we support regular contact with families; encourage input from families through collaborative planning of Individual Educational Plans and maintaining strong links with external agencies.
We are proud of our great programs, enthusiastic students,dedicated staff and our supportive parents and community.