Welcome to the Beverley Park School Website page.
At Beverley Park School we are committed to delivering excellence, innovation and opportunities for success.
Our aim is to provide our students with an education which is both engaging and meaningful. An education which strongly caters for the diverse range of student needs. We pride ourselves on providing rich experiences for all students that support their learning and development and which provide them with the skills they will need beyond school, as life long learners.
Beverley Park School provides a caring, supportive and safe environment where all students are supported and encouraged to achieve to the best of their abilities, using resources and facilities which are provided with their best interests in mind at all times.
We believe very strongly in the importance of community involvement and encourage and support families to attend a large number of events throughout the year. Promoting community partnerships continues to be a school priority as we value these links and strongly continue to promote and strengthen them as a priority.
We are extremely passionate about sharing with you the exciting and innovative things that are happening at our school and I hope that the passion and dedication of staff is evident. Our staff are highly committed to delivering high quality teaching and learning programs which are highly engaging, differentiated and individualised in an environment which values student learning and growth.
At Beverley Park School we continue to improve our current, and create new and inclusive, learning spaces for students to ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn in a variety of different learning environments. This includes a vegetable garden, sensory garden, sensory room, hydrotherapy pool, a community courtyard, home science/cooking room, library and four different playground spaces.
We are very privileged to have access to an NDIS provider working from within the school which offers Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech Therapy services to families who choose to use them as their service provider. We also welcome external therapy teams to support students learning, but stress the importance of therapy being approved only if it is able to support or extend on student educational learning needs.
At Beverley Park School we have strong community values and work very closely with families to support student educational, therapy and healthcare needs to ensure that our students can achieve to the best of their abilities across all learning environments.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to know any more about our wonderful school.
Toula Finka, Principal